We are so happy you have found your way to Caleb Smiles! Currently, we are considering all applications and inquiries for assistance.
Minimum requirements:
-young people up to 26 years old
-some level of disability- priority given to physical impairments or disorders
-some financial need
Here are some examples of things we have provided funding for:
adaptive skiing lessons, adaptive horse riding lessons, swim lessons, other adaptive activities, sensory items, communication tools, adaptive toys and tools, etc. These types of things are typically not covered by insurance and we want to help with them.
At this time, we do not provide funding for wheelchair vans, power wheelchairs, and intensive therapy programs.
We will gift items and experiences based on our available resources and as determined by our Board of Directors.
After reviewing your application, someone from our Board will be in contact to discuss your child’s situation, your level of need, and what we could provide that could be fun or entertaining or useful for your child!
Please fill out the application form below- for yourself or for someone you think we could be of assistance to. Someone from our Board will be in contact with you after the form is completed!